
A designer plays a key role in a creative company. Using elements like typography, illustration, photography and layouts, a designer always has an extremely creative mind that can absorb visual trends and deploy them in fresh and exciting ways. Our Creative and Design team know all there is to know about getting a designer job, including the leading agencies where you can excel, and how to get you the very best opportunity.

Most designers will possess knowledge and skill in the following software packages:

  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Communication is an important part of the job, as designers work with both management and clients to formulate campaigns that meet specific objectives. The professional opinion of a designer is highly sought after during the construction of campaigns, so the confidence to guide people effectively is often required.

    Skills required

    A designer needs a wide range of design and creative capabilities. These include:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • A full and fluent knowledge of current design tools and software
  • Confidence to be bold with their work
  • Industry experience in the design field
  • The ability to meet deadlines
  • A background of working well as part of a design team
  • The ability to think creatively and deliver impressive concepts
  • From time-to-time, designers may be required to work irregular hours, so there’s a need to be flexible to get the very best out of their job. When deciding to embark on a career as a designer, developing a strong knowledge of all aspects of the design industry is imperative.


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